Ultrasonic - a GNU Octave/MatLAB script collection to analyse ultrasonic pulse reflection measurements
"Ultrasonic" was implemented to support the analysis of ultrasound measurement data for students and is used in the exercise "Application of NDT and monitoring methods [206.554]". It supports two essential aspects of the analysis of ultrasonic reflection measurements: (1) the determination of the speed of sound given a known distance and (2) the determination of the distance given a known speed of sound.
The program code is designed for the data format of the ultrasonic pulse reflection measuring device "ACS Monolith-3D A1220C".
Technical info (English)
Software requirements
- GNU Octave 6.2.0 (signal package required)
- MatLAB (signal processing toolbox required)
Table of contents (English)
- ultrasonic_octave.zip ... GNU Octave program code
- ultrasonic_matlab.zip ... MatLAB program code
Files structure (archive content)
[ultrasonic] ... program folder
- [projects] ... project data (measurements)
- [proj1] ... your folder containing the measurement data of one spot (3x3 grid)
- [tools] ... tools (functions) of this program
- init.m ... function file: program initialization
- LICENSE.txt ... license terms and conditions
- README.txt ... information about the program
- us_analyse.m ... function file: signal analysis
- us_calibrate.m ... function file: signal calibration
- us_read_project.m ... function file: read project data
Methods (English)
Butterworth IIR filter, correlation analysis - wavelet analysis
Abstract (German)
Das Programm "Ultrasonic" wurde als Unterstützung für die Analyse von Ultraschall-Messdaten für Studierende implementiert und kommt in der Übung "Anwendung ZfP- und Monitoringverfahren [206.554]" zur Anwendung. Es unterstützt zwei wesentliche Aspekte der Analyse von Ultraschall-Reflexionsmessungen: (1) die Bestimmung der Schallgeschwindigkeit bei bekannter Distanz und (2) die Bestimmung der Distanz bei bekannter Schallgeschwindigkeit.
Der Programmcode ist auf das Datenformat des Ultraschall-Reflexions-Messgeräts "ACS Monolith-3D A1220C" ausgelegt.
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