Published April 6, 2021 | Version v1
Report Open

Multistakeholderismus im steirischen Datenökosystem

  • 1. Graz University of Technology


Project manager:

  • 1. Graz University of Technology


Over 20 stakeholders from Styrian organisations gathered on March 25th to take part in the first of TU Graz-organised workshops in IDE@S.  The workshop aimed at exploring the existing resources and wishes regarding the evolution of the technical infrastructure towards a collaborative data environment; the discussion should lay the ground to define possible interfaces in future conversations. The following topics were discussed: (1) Current cooperation projects: types of collaboration, cloud platforms and cooperative tools; data and standards (2) Current and desired data solutions, with a focus on middleware (3) Individual connection to cooperative networks and related challenges The starting point for such a collaborative data environment put forward in IDE@S is a system of distributed data control that ensures data sovereignty for data owners and enables to save data of different organisations on the shared infrastructure. IT-security, data protection, data and procedure standards stood out in the discussion as essential points that a collaborative infrastructure needs to consider in detail.


IDE@S_Multistakeholderismus im steirischen Datenoekosystem_WS-Bericht.pdf

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