Veröffentlicht 8. Juli 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Benchmark Dataset for Compression for 2-Parameter Persistent Homology

  • 1. ROR icon Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche
  • 2. TU München


This dataset is a collection of benchmark data sets used in the experiments of the paper

"Compression for 2-Parameter Persistent Homology"

by Ulderico Fugacci, Michael Kerber, and Alexander Rolle.


The detailed description of the datasets can be found in that paper. The file format is partially firep (as described in the Rivet library here) and partially scc2020 files (as described here).

The repository also contains the scripts that generated the instances and to run the benchmarks from the cited paper. Executing them requires several additional libraries: for generating geometric examples, CGAL is required. For the benchmarks, mpfree, multi-chunk, phat and Rivet are required.


Dateien (14.3 GB)

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Related works

Is required by
Publication: arXiv:2107.10924 (arXiv)
Is supplement to
Publication: 10.1137/1.9781611976472.16 (DOI)